I attended another piece of training this week about the Resonance Factor, a refreshingly new approach to the treatment of substance misuse. It is an intervention that has been developed and implemented by the team at Janus Solutions who provide an abstinent based day programme for people struggling with their drug/alcohol use. As they open their second treatment centre I have been invited to provide counselling for their service users, which I feel honored to do. So todays training was about understanding their method. I really enjoyed the training and met some passionate workers who were there to learn about the Resonance Factor to then deliever within their respective services.
So what is the Resonance Factor?
Well it comes from cognitive resonance which is a psychological model that works to bring new awareness to a person to shift their perceptions. It is an empowering approach as it hands responsiblity back to the client to reconsider their ideas about things and encourages them to look for evidence to support their position on aspects of their lives. Paying attention to problematic areas of a persons life in this way can provide an opportunity to gain insight in to the problem in a new way. It bolsters their ability to to renegotiate things and with the new understanding make different choices. In the treamtment of addiciton it highlights the clients drug using behaviour and works extensively on their relationship with substances, bringing the justifications and reasons they use to their attention. Do you know the difference between a justification and a reason?? Well I learnt that yesterday 🙂 Work is also done around cravings and the transition into recovery. A large part of treatment is spent on choices and responsibility.
Overall a great days training. Moving forward I feel confident I understand the approach and look forward to working at http://www.janussolutions.co.uk with the clients.
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