How confidential is what I say?
Everything you say is confidential. However there are times when I am bound by the BACP code of practice that I work within to break confidentiality. These are usually instances when I believe that you or someone else is at serious risk of harm. Please see additional resources where there is a link to the BACP website. Click on the Information tab and scroll down to Ethical Framework, which will offer further explanation on this.
How do I make an appointment?
If you are interested in booking an appointment please send me an email at or call or message me on 07930339713. If I am unable to speak, please leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible. We can then discuss any questions you may have and work out whether an assessment would be appropriate; If so I’ll book you in for the next available space.
Where are appointments held?
I currently provide sessions from
134 Chesterton Road
W10 6EP
How much do sessions cost?
Sessions start from £80
The fee is based on the amount of sessions you require and your income. Please give me a call to discuss this further.
What if I don’t want to continue with therapy?
We will discuss our contract during the first session of therapy. You are not contracted to a specific number of sessions and so can terminate therapy when you decide it is in your best interest. However if you decide you do not wish to continue with therapy I would encourage you to come and have an ending session with me to discuss your decision and to look at other avenues of support that are available to you.
How long do sessions last and how often are they?
It depends on the treatment you are having, most sessions last for 50 minutes however some EMDR sessions can last for 90 minutes. Generally sessions are held on a weekly basis, on a day and time we both agree to. However, if we decide fortnightly sessions are more appropriate or twice weekly would be helpful during a particularly difficult time, that can be factored in.
How do I choose which therapy to have?
If after reading through the description of the treatment options I offer you still feel unsure about which one/s would best suit you, please get in contact with me to discuss any questions you have and we can explore this together. We can talk through your presenting issue and I can explain the approach each therapy would take to address this and that may help you decide which one/s you may find most helpful.
Additional Resources
See additional counselling resources of interest here.